Module Polebrush

module Polebrush: sig .. end
Polebrush markup language syntax tree
Author(s): Alexander Markov [email protected]

Polebrush syntax tree


type attr =
| Class of string (*p(myclass).*)
| Id of string (*p(#myid).*)
| Style of string (*p{color:red}.*)
| Language of string (*p[fr-fr].*)

type img_float =
| Float_left (*<*)
| Float_right (*>*)
Image float.

type talign =
| Right (*>*)
| Left (*<*)
| Center (*=*)
| Justify (*<>*)
Text-alignment option.

type valign =
| Top (*^*)
| Middle (*-*)
| Bottom (*~*)
Vertical alignment.
type padding = int * int 
Left and right padding consistently. Define with ( and ) in block modifier. (0,0) if padding doesn't set.
type options = attr list * talign option * padding 


Phrases may be presents like HTML tags for text formatting. For example, **ocaml is __functional__ language** is equivalent for ocaml is functional language or Bold ([], [CData "ocaml is "; Italic ([], [CData "functional"]); CData " language"])

type phrase =
| CData of string
| Emphasis of (attr list * phrase list) (*_*)
| Strong of (attr list * phrase list) (***)
| Italic of (attr list * phrase list) (*__*)
| Bold of (attr list * phrase list) (****)
| Citation of (attr list * phrase list) (*??*)
| Deleted of (attr list * phrase list) (*-*)
| Inserted of (attr list * phrase list) (*+*)
| Superscript of (attr list * phrase list) (*^*)
| Subscript of (attr list * phrase list) (*~*)
| Span of (attr list * phrase list) (*%*)
| Code of (attr list * string) (*@*)
| Nomarkup of string (*==*)
| Acronym of string * string (*ABC(Always Be Closing)*)
| Image of attr list * img_float option * string * string option (*!imgsrc(alt)!*)
| Link of (attr list * phrase list) * string option * string (*"linktext(title)":url*)
| Reference of int (*[1]*)
type line = phrase list 
One line of text. It terminates by line break character.
type element = int * line 
One element of a list. It's a line and depth of element, or just count of asterisk or sharps.


type tableoptions = options * valign option 
Table specific options. May be applied to a table or to a row.

type celltype =
| Data (*| <...> |*)
| Head (*|_. <...> |*)
In markup symbol _ defines a cell as a table header. Otherwise it's a regular data cell.
type cellspan = int option * int option 
Colspan and rowspan.
type celloptions = celltype * tableoptions * cellspan 
Cell specific options.
type cell = celloptions * line list 
A cell in row.
type row = tableoptions * cell list 
A row in table.


type block =
| Header of int * (options * line list) (*h1.*)
| Blockquote of (options * line list) (*bq.*)
| Footnote of int * (options * line list) (*fnn.*)
| Paragraph of (options * line list) (*p.*)
| Blockcode of (options * string list) (*bc.*)
| Pre of (options * string list) (*pre.*)
| Blocknomarkup of (options * string list) (*nomarkup.*)
| Numlist of element list (*#*)
| Bulllist of element list (***)
| Table of (tableoptions * row list) (*|t|a|b|*)
| ToC of options (*toc.*)
Extended blocks parse automaticly so there is no difference for you between normal and extended blocks.


val string_of_line : line -> string
Translates the line to a simple string which can be used, for example, in HTML's <title> tag. All markup will be removed.