exception Failure of string
type connection
val open_connection : string -> int -> Memcache.connection Lwt.t
val close_connection : Memcache.connection -> unit Lwt.t
type error = ERROR | CLIENT_ERROR of string | SERVER_ERROR of string
exception Error of Memcache.error
val set :
Memcache.connection ->
string ->
?flags:int ->
?exptime:int -> ?noreply:bool -> string -> Memcache.reply Lwt.t
val add :
Memcache.connection ->
string ->
?flags:int ->
?exptime:int -> ?noreply:bool -> string -> Memcache.reply Lwt.t
val replace :
Memcache.connection ->
string ->
?flags:int ->
?exptime:int -> ?noreply:bool -> string -> Memcache.reply Lwt.t
val append :
Memcache.connection ->
string ->
?flags:int ->
?exptime:int -> ?noreply:bool -> string -> Memcache.reply Lwt.t
val prepend :
Memcache.connection ->
string ->
?flags:int ->
?exptime:int -> ?noreply:bool -> string -> Memcache.reply Lwt.t
val cas :
Memcache.connection ->
string ->
?flags:int ->
?exptime:int -> ?noreply:bool -> int64 -> string -> Memcache.reply Lwt.t
val get :
Memcache.connection -> string -> (string * (int * string)) option Lwt.t
val getl :
Memcache.connection ->
string list -> (string * (int * string)) list Lwt.t
val geth :
Memcache.connection ->
string list -> (string, int * string) Hashtbl.t Lwt.t
val gets :
Memcache.connection ->
string -> (string * ((int * int64) * string)) option Lwt.t
val getsl :
Memcache.connection ->
string list -> (string * ((int * int64) * string)) list Lwt.t
val getsh :
Memcache.connection ->
string list -> (string, (int * int64) * string) Hashtbl.t Lwt.t
val delete : Memcache.connection -> ?noreply:bool -> string -> bool Lwt.t
val incr64 :
Memcache.connection ->
string -> ?noreply:bool -> int64 -> int64 option Lwt.t
val decr64 :
Memcache.connection ->
string -> ?noreply:bool -> int64 -> int64 option Lwt.t
val incr :
Memcache.connection ->
string -> ?noreply:bool -> string -> string option Lwt.t
val decr :
Memcache.connection ->
string -> ?noreply:bool -> string -> string option Lwt.t
val flush_all : ?delay:int -> Memcache.connection -> unit Lwt.t
val version : Memcache.connection -> string Lwt.t