A | |
add [Memcache] | add means "store this data, but only if the server doesn't
already hold data for this key".
append [Memcache] | append means "add this data to an existing key after existing
C | |
cas [Memcache] | cas is a check and set operation which means "store this data but
only if no one else has updated since I last fetched it."
close_connection [Memcache] | |
D | |
decr [Memcache] |
The same, but brings and returns decimal representations of 64-bit
unsigned integer.
decr64 [Memcache] |
incr and decr are used to change data for some item
in-place, incrementing or decrementing it.
delete [Memcache] | delete key allows for explicit deletion of items.
F | |
flush_all [Memcache] | flush_all is a command with an optional numeric argument.
G | |
get [Memcache] | get conn key returns Some (key, (flags, value) or None if the item with this key was not found.
geth [Memcache] |
The same, but returns hash table of founded values.
getl [Memcache] |
The same, but takes a list of keys and returns list of founded
gets [Memcache] | gets is similar to get
but returns Some (key, ((flags, unique), value) if item was found.
getsh [Memcache] |
The same, but returns hash table of founded values.
getsl [Memcache] |
The same, but takes a list of keys and returns list of founded
I | |
incr [Memcache] | |
incr64 [Memcache] | |
O | |
open_connection [Memcache] | |
P | |
prepend [Memcache] | prepend means "add this data to an existing key before existing
R | |
replace [Memcache] | replace means "store this data, but only if the server does
already hold data for this key".
S | |
set [Memcache] | set means "store this data".
V | |
version [Memcache] |
In response, the server sends the version string for the server.